Navigating Business Growth: Embracing the Virginia Satir Change Model

by Chris Endersby

Change is the heartbeat of entrepreneurship. It’s an integral ingredient in driving growth in any business. Yet it can also be extremely challenging, costly and present real barriers for organisations and individuals alike.

At Firestarter, we’re all about transforming the challenges of scaling into powerful opportunities for success. To help our clients do just this, we often refer to the Virginia Satir Change Model. Despite the model being originally conceived in the context of family therapy, we believe five steps of change are incredibly useful tools for entrepreneurs and business leaders too.



Late Status Quo:

We start off in the comfort zone where operations are predictable but can lead to complacency. This is the calm before the storm, signalling the need for innovation, and is often the source of frustration for entrepreneurs.


Change often gets stopped in its tracks here. Apprehension and reluctance are natural as the fear of the unknown takes hold. Understanding this resistance and having the fortitude to power through it is crucial for entrepreneurs and business leaders.


True transformation occurs here, albeit messily. Old systems are dismantled, demanding resilience and flexibility. Things get worse before they get better. You might think, ‘What have we done?’ But this is where creativity and problem-solving thrive.


This stage is all about adjusting to new ways of working, refining processes, and addressing feedback. There’s some light at the end of the tunnel as changes start to become coherent again.

New Status Quo:

Phew. Stability at a higher level of operation. The business has successfully integrated the changes and stands ready for future growth.


Why is this model so useful for brand and business growth?

  • Human-Centric: Satir’s model emphasises the emotional, psychological and personal journey over more organisational change models.

  • Flexible: It acknowledges the chaotic nature of change and encourages a flexible, iterative approach, crucial for startups and businesses that are growing at pace.

  • Empowering: By demystifying the stages of change, this model empowers entrepreneurs to manage emotional responses, leading to smoother transitions.

  • Disruptive: The model supports a mindset that embraces disruption, using it as a catalyst for growth and improvement. This resonates with our commitment to highly differentiated and authentic brands.

  • Forgiving: It promotes growth and acceptance of the inherent messiness associated with change, encouraging businesses to welcome and embrace turbulence rather than fight against it.


So let’s embrace change and fuel growth together! 🚀🔥